On this page we'll let you know about upcoming performances and other news from Blackledgemusic.
Next Performances:
February 24,2014 - Blackledge Flutes - Private Concert - Branford, CT May
18 ,2014 - "Memories" concert Blackledgemusic,Inc. at Temple Beth Torah, Wethersfield, CT with "Elements" Saxophone
Quartet. XXXX 2014 - Charter Oak Flutes - Spring Concert TBA December 8,2013
Mark Twain Holiday House Tour - Blackledge Flutes will be at one of the homes on the tour from 11am-12:30 - Join Helene
Rosenblatt, Peter Standaart, Heather Wagner, and Heather Stegmaier for some holiday music and support the Mark Twain House! December
8,2013 1-2 pm Charter Oak Flutes - join us at the Connecticut Governor's House TBA
- Blackledgemusic,Inc. concert with the Element Saxophone Saxophone Quartet (saxophonists from the Coast Guard Band) performing
2 works commissioned by Helene Rosenblatt for piccolo and saxophone quartet in the last few years as well as works for mixed
winds and strings. Spring of 2014 Join Blackledgemusic,Inc.'s BLACKLEDGE FLUTES
for a concert at the Goff House - 2 Barton Rd. East Hampton (just off Main St. near the Fire House.) Stop
early and grab a coffee at Higher Grounds @ Seventy Main Coffee House and Art Gallery.....in historic East Hampton, CT
Concert at 2 pm....suggested donation $5 per person.

Upcoming Concert - BLACKLEDGEMUSIC, INC.
Immediate Release:
Date: June
8, 2013 2 PM at The
Carousel Museum
Riverside Ave. Bristol,
CT 06010
Moods, & Styles "
are encouraged to join the fun at the The Carousel Museum's Open
House. Blackledgemusic, Inc. will present a concert of music which
will move through time, places and styles. Performers are Helene
Rosenblatt – Piccolo, C Flute, Alto Flute; Mary Ellen Briga –
Violin, Amy Jones Grantkin – Viola, Peter Standaart - Piccolo, C
Flute, Bass Flute; Heather Stegmaeir - C Flute, Alto Flute,
Piccolo; Naomi Senzer- Piccolo, C Flute
Flutes). Music by Gordon Jacob, Nancy Bloomer Deussen, Joseph Lauber,
Randall Thompson, and Catherine McMichael.
Admission Rates
http://www.thecarouselmuseum.org/ Rates
$6.00 email info@thecarouselmuseum.org Seniors
$5.50 http: //blackledgemusic.tripod.com Children
$3.50 (age 4-14)
Chambermusic1@yahoo.com Children
$2.00 (age 1-3)
Recent Events
Rosewood Consort - Canton Library - February 2013
February 1,2012 World Premier of "The Gift of Life" at Smithtown HS East, St. James,NY with New Hudson Saxophone
March 24,2012 Blackledgemusic,Inc. At the Carousel Museum, Bristol, CT "Music by Twos & Threes"
April 29, 2012 Charter Oak Flutes Congregational Church, Rocky Hill,CT
A Serenade of Flutes.

more to come & pictures and sound too.

Upcoming Events
May 18, 2013 BLACKLEDGE FLUTES at the Buttonwood in Middletown, 2 pm short set during the CT Poets Reading
Summer 2013 Tentative Blackledge Flutes - Free Poets Collective
0,2012 7 PM Temple Beth Torah 130 Main St. Wethersfield,
"Music in Our House" $10 Adults $5 Children under 12 and Seniors over 65.
July 8,2012 NBMAA
Blackledgemusic next performance!
We hope to update this page often with new photos.
To sign up or volunteer for an event, see our "Contact Us" page.
Copyright 2013,2014,2015, Blackledgemusic,Inc. A 501C Corporation.